Remastered or (re) diculously priced ?  

I used to be a huge Jordan Collector up until 2005/2006 when retro quality quickly went downhill.  Glue spots galore, cheap materials, and sudden increases in prices really turned me off  so I was intrigued by the entire “remastered” idea. Was this an admission by Jordan Brand that they were making pure shit for the past ten years ? In my eyes, yes but we all know quality was not JBs top priority. To make amends, JB has promised better quality with an uptick in price. Let’s see how they compare.

Original 1995 Orlando Magic Jordan X DS

2015 Jordan X “Double Nickle” DS


Leather quality appears almost identical to the originals. It seems more manufactured than the OG, meaning the OG pair had smooth, non textured spots whereas the retro looks exactly the same all the way around the shoe. 

  Above: retro, below OG



Materials get a thumbs up from me but the AJ X never got hit by the bad quality bug as bad as other retros such as the IV V and VI. I’ll see if I can find my other X retros from 2005.


Very happy to say my pair didn’t have any excess glue spots or poor stitching 


Above: retro, notice how smooth the second (bottom) layer of leather is? Almost too smooth and fake looking  but that’s just me being nitpicky (compare to below)

below OG 



Spot on again





The stamping on the retro is actually more defined and clearer than the original.  The tongue’s material on the retro feels stiffer so maybe that’s why they were able to print it more clearly


Nothing beats an OG box sorry lol




The OG Aj X retailed for $125 20 years ago so taking inflation into account you get $192. 


Although pricing is the same, Nike’s economy of scale has increased a lot so they are still making a lot more off these shoes than back in 1995.  In other words, Since they have grown so much in 20 years , production has increased , manufacturing is way more efficient and material prices have dropped since they buy so much more nowadays. 

Overall though, as a big Aj collector, I can say that these remastered Aj Xs look and feel great, and are not over priced. If the rest of the remastered Jordans look like this I wouldn’t hesitate to buy them. Good job Jordan Brand !

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